Shane Claiborne


Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw

"Too often the patriotic values of pride and strength triumph over the spiritual values of humility, gentleness, and sacrificial love."

"We in the church are schizophrenic: we want to be good Christians, but deep down we trust that only the power of the state and its militaries and markets can really make a difference in the world."

"Rather than placing our hope in a transitional church that embodies God's kingdom, we assume America is God's hope for the world, even when it doesn't look like Christ."

Abraham Joshua Heschel:

“The opposite of good is not evil, but indifference.”

“An individual dies when he ceases to be surprised.”

“No religion is an island”

“The cure of the soul begins with a sense of embarrassment; embarrassment at our pettiness, prejudices, envy and conceit. Embarrassment at the profanation of life. A world that is full of grandeur has been turned into a carnival.”

“The primary purpose of prayer is not to make requests, the primary purpose of prayer is to praise.”

“Prayer will not save us, but will allow us to be worth being saved.”

“Some are guilty but all are responsible.”

Am I betraying my call?

Every now and again I feel I like the Disciples when Jesus says, "you have been with me this long and you still do not know me?" And it makes me sad, frustrated and immobile. Today is one of those times.

As I sit in my office, making decent money, driving my own car (which my family has three in our possession right now), working on my own laptop, wearing a J. Crew shirt, GAP pants and Sketchers; I reflect on my day thus far and wonder, am I betraying my call as a Christian?

The church I work at has a lot of money and people yet we seem to be an establishment of the status quo. We do not have relationships with the poor (except we send some money and used clothes every now and again), we do not work for social justice in any way, we have worship which speaks to a specific type of person and we have a huge endowment which sits there.

I do not want to bash the church, we do a lot of good, however I wonder if we are focused on maintaining the building, upholding the status quo and reinforcing our own empire rather than transforming our community, building relationships with the poor, and rivaling the Empire.

Here I sit, immobilized wondering if in fact if being a minister at this church and NOT doing these latter things if I am betraying my call?

Where my mind is today...

"Christian nonviolence is not a strategy to rid the world of violence, but rather the way Christians must live in a world of violence. In short Christians are not nonviolent because we believe our nonviolence is a strategy to rid the world of war, but rather because faithful followers of Christ in a world of war cannot imagine being anything else than nonviolent."
-Stanley Hauerwas interpreting Yoder's pacifism

"Jesus did not bring a new idea : rather in him an old idea ceased being an idea at all and became a living reality."
-John Knox

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."
-Susan B. Anthony

"Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is ."
"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
"There is enough for everyone’s need but not enough for everyone’s greed."

"If we have more than we need while someone else has less, then we are thieves."
– Shane Claiborne

If the attitude we have toward water as a power source is the same as we have toward oil as a power source, then we will be in the same energy crisis in the future.
- paraphrased comments of Joan Chittister

"What you believe follows only after what you do."
- Scott-Martin Kosofsky, a book designer and editor, decided to revise the "Book of Customs,"